Today marks one year of so many new things for me. Has it been a good year? It’s been a great year!
Ending my corporate job in August 2021 was critical to my quality of life. I worked so hard in that role, and honestly, I thought they’d have to blast me out of there because I was so invested. But things changed, and I changed. It was time to return to what I love to do and excel in. I still remember leaving the office on my last day, getting in my car, and realizing all the things I no longer had to do (yay!) and the excitement about all the things I now could do (yay!). I knew I was making the right decision for me.
And just like that, my new chapter began! So, what does it look like a year later?
I’m HEALTHIER – Physically and Mentally.
Physically – I’d been putting off getting my left knee replaced because of COVID and my busy work schedule. I finally had it done in October. Leftie 2.0 and I were introduced to each other and worked hard to become best friends, taking long walks every day and enjoying each other’s company. Now, it’s like we’ve always been together!
And I lost 10 pounds between December and April after having knee surgery! I had to take in all my clothes! (yay!)
Mentally – I am more balanced now. I went from being insanely busy to establishing a new normal for myself, which included time to “just be .” I had to “decompress from what was” and “reset to what can be .” Now, I determine my priorities, my goals, and what success looks like. Career success, or should I say, my life success, looks very different now.
In my long career, I feel like I’ve been there, done that. But because I work with many different people on their challenges, I’m challenged to be more creative and innovative to meet their challenges. Now, l say let’s go, let’s do that!
I really do love what I do! Doing good work with good people who want to do the work to get the results they want? Yes, count me in! There’s nothing like realizing the results you’ve worked hard for.
I’m not limited to one company, but I’m committed to every company and person I work with. We’re partners! I help people achieve their goals! My clients keep me energized and on my toes because I strategize and customize solutions to their needs. That’s not always easy, but it’s incredibly gratifying.
I realize coaching, counseling, speaking, and content creation bring joy to my soul. And I’ve done over 100 videos to encourage and inspire people at work based on what people talk to me about. I’m so proud of myself!
I rejoined the counseling ministry at my church in April. I had taken a hiatus two years ago because it was too much between my workload, being there for my mom, and counseling. Something had to give. Now, I couldn’t be happier. When you’re doing what you’re called to do, it just flows!
Because I’m healthier and happier, I know that can’t happen unless I heal from my hurts, change my habits and deal with the hang-ups that hold me back. My work now allows me the head space to deal with me and invest in people and things I care about.
I’ve been thinking a lot and thinking deeper. I believe insight is better than hindsight.
This past year, when my family and friends told me I was really there with them, they were telling me I hadn’t been before. My body was there, but my mind was elsewhere, and they were right. I was in a persistent state of stress. Don’t get me wrong, I still have stress, but it’s different now because I now have better boundaries.
I’ve also been working on making my crooked roads straight, owning what I need to own. I recently asked a former colleague who had hurt me deeply years ago to forgive me. Why? Because I was still holding a grudge, and it was time for me to let go and move beyond the hurt. I’m working on freeing myself from things in my life that don’t serve me well.
It is what it is, and I deal with it. I’ve worked hard to keep issues in front of me and not let them fester, take root and grow into something it doesn’t need to be. This is one of the key areas I work with my coaching clients on. I refuse to go along to get along anymore. I can stand upright and offer my best, and when it’s accepted – great. When it’s not, that’s okay too—your loss, not mine. Everyone has work to do in this area, and I love helping people be better and do better in their life and at work.
Embracing honesty has been so freeing for me this past year. I want more of that!
It was a bold decision to start my own company. The easier road would have been to continue my corporate career, but, that didn’t seem right for me at that time.
Of course, I need to make money, but I have repeatedly said my driving goal isn’t to be a million-dollar company. If that happens, great! My driving goal is to do good work with good people, and the money will come. It’s pretty simple, and I want to keep it that way.
My experience is broad, and I can enter an organization from many different points. My work is often viewed as HR, but I see it differently and more encompassing. It’s the organization’s work – that’s how I Do HR Differently.
My Focus Areas: HR Consulting. Leadership Coaching. Facilitating Collaboration.
The Work I Do: Strategy. Alignment. Integration. Talent. Teamwork. Workflow. Results.
I want to attract the right clients – organizations and individuals willing to do the work needed to get their desired results. I don’t focus on quick fixes. I focus on quick wins and real transformation. I believe in the power of people! The only way for a business to thrive is through its people!
Has it been a good year? It’s been a great year! It was one of those years when you do the soul work you need to do to have the life you want. I am confident more amazing things are in front of me and I can’t wait!
I’d love the opportunity to earn your business! Whether you’re an organization, team or individual, I can help you achieve your goals.
I am a strategist, customizer and solutionist!
Let’s talk! Schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation HERE.