Are you into NOTS?
I am, and I love it! It is changing my life, and it can change yours too.
I’m not talking about the kind of Knots that create stress, just the opposite. I’m talking about the Nots that give you direction, keep you focused, and give you the freedom you need to live your best life!
Here are some of my Nots. Are they yours too?
- I’m not going to get stressed out because I can control myself.
- I’m not going to get angry, and if I do, I’m not going to stay angry.
- I’m not going to beat myself up. I accept it, I acknowledge it, and I’ll going to move on.
- I will not feel inferior to anyone because I’m not.
- I will not feel superior to anyone because I’m not.
- I’m not going to interrupt people in what they’re saying because I have something I want to say.
- I will not carry the burden of procrastination. I’ll get it done, or I won’t.
- I’m not going to hold on when I know I need to let go.
- I will not expect people to meet my expectations I haven’t communicated, and they haven’t agreed to.
- I’m not going to have a pity party for more than 5 seconds.
- I will not eat that piece of cake and complain afterward.
- I’m not going to whine, I might have some wine, but I won’t whine.
- I will not hold things in when they need to come out.
- I’m not going to sacrifice my peace for your peace.
- I’m not going to minimize me to maximize you. We can co-exist.
- I will not allow others to treat me badly.
- I’m not going to replay scenarios of my past that keep me stuck there.
- I’m not going to hold onto hurts that hold me back.
- I will not be a bystander when I know I should be a participant and can be an influencer.
Could some of these nots set you free? Will you do them? If not, why not?
Has this stirred up something that you want to explore further?
Making changes in your life isn’t always easy. Sometimes, having a coach walk alongside makes all the difference.
We’re here for you! Let’s talk!
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