Fast Track
Our Fast Track Coaching is a 4-week commitment to address a specific issue. Be prepared to dig in and work hard! Through exercises and challenges, you will identify, explore and achieve the breakthrough that will lead to your desired results. Each Fast Track session is conducted through ZOOM and lasts1 hr. This is an accelerated goal-driven process that requires a real commitment of time, engagement and accountability.

Our Individual Coaching Process is a 3 - 6 month personalized and immersive experience designed to take your leadership to the next level. We guide, support and challenge leaders to be intentional and active in their personal development. This is a transformational process customized to meet the needs of the individual.
Leaders will be expected to dig in and do the work needed to achieve their goals.
Included in the Package:
• One-hour sessions (in-person or Zoom or a combination of both)
• Just in Time calls as needed (text or a quick call to talk through an issue)
• Predictive Index Assessment
This Package is excellent for:
• New Leaders transitioning into a new role or a new company
• Existing Leaders - That need support, direction or correction
• High Potential Individuals - An investment for greater future leadership responsibility

Our Leadership Training and Coaching is a great opportunity for leaders from the same company to participate in an immersive, transformational leadership experience together. This is a combination of training on our Core Leadership Program* (training + personalized coaching). In consultation and alignment with senior leadership, our training and coaching is heavy on guiding, supporting and challenging leaders to be effective in their current leadership roles and equipping them for greater responsibility. And, an added benefit is the teamwork and collaboration the team and the organization will experience as leaders learn together. Included : • 6 one-hour group sessions (in-person, through Zoom, or a combination) • 4 forty-five-minute coaching sessions with a Coach • Just in-Time calls (text or a quick call to talk through an issue) • Predictive Index Assessment. (*Core Leadership Focus Areas: Strategic, Business, Operations, People)

Our Executive Coaching Process is a personalized, transformational experience for the senior leader. Senior leaders have a wealth of experience and skill, but they are still leaders and all leaders need to be supported. In alignment and partnership with their leader, we work closely with the senior leader to achieve the goals determined. We provide a safe place for the senior leader to be open, vulnerable and grow as an executive. Included: Minimum 6 months of personalized coaching support. This is an excellent opportunity to: • Support the new executive successfully transition into their new role • Hone executive presence and increase influence and impact • Activate change and transformation • Correct behavior in a safe and productive way • Facilitate strong teams and high-performing organizations